Thank You

Throughout my life I have experienced a pretty significant amount of success. While there have also been some struggles, I think it is safe to say I’ve been blessed with more success than most. I’ve been priveledged to have success in athletics, academics, career, music and so many more. I was given a lot of natural talents to begin with but natural talent alone won’t get you very far. For me it’s been a bit of luck, a bit of hard work and A LOT of support and opportunities. And so I want to say thank you for all of the support and opportunities. They have been innumerable and I couldn’t begin to cover all of it in this post but I will try my best to show my gratitude.

I couldn’t begin this without thanking my mom, dad and brother. I wish I could’ve expressed this to my mom 2 years ago but as nothing can be done about that, I want to say it now. I can’t begin to explain my gratitude for the amount you have done for me throughout my life. Anything I’ve ever needed you dropped what you were doing and helped in whatever way necessary to make sure I got what I needed. I’m sure you gave up more over the years to give me the opportunities that led me to where I am than I could begin to imagine. Also the support you showed when you found out I was considering taking a job in India (although I would’ve liked you to hear it from me first…but that’s a different story) was amazing. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you that I was picking up and moving to India alone for atleast a year and although I know you were nervous, you fully supported my decision the entire time and never second guessed it. And then you hopped on a plane and flew halfway around the world to experience it yourself, that’s pretty damn cool.

I have also received support, advice and opportunities in many other ways throughout the years. Whether it was getting a pointer from the ref on the field/court, an ump behind the plate, an official out on the track, a teacher stopping me in the hallway or pulling me aside after class, a piper after a performance or during a massed band, a piece of advice from a colleague/boss over a beer or coffee, listening to a crazy idea I had about working abroad and helping make it happen, or feedback on a piece of work I’ve created, a conversation on the way to a gig, game, class or anywhere else, everything my MANY coaches have done for me throughout my years of sports, a conversation with family/friends letting me share my ideas or perhaps you sharing your thoughts and insights with me and of course for all of the conversations with total strangers that have opened my mind and eyes. I don’t know why I’ve been so blessed but in every walk of life I’ve had numerous people looking out for me and helping me get better (my parents must have paid them off well!). I think of myself as collection of all the support, advice and love I’ve received from everyone along the way. I think too often I don’t say thank you and as I’ve learned many times over the years, tomorrow is not a guarantee and so from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you for each and everyone of you who have helped shape me thus far. I know I wouldn’t be sitting where I am if it weren’t for you.

“The company we keep can shape more than just the outcome of a situation, but these individuals can actually shape who we are, and inevitably, who we become.”

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